2 color pudding dessert

2 color pudding dessert

Melt butter in a suitable saucepan. Flour is added to it and fried for 2-3 minutes at medium temperature, stirring continuously. Then milk and sugar are added and cooked in the same way until the color changes. Finally, vanilla is added. It is poured into small molds or a large bowl. It is kept outside until it cools down and hardens. Add all ingredients except ice and chocolate to the saucepan and cook on medium heat until thickened. When it thickens, add the chocolates and whisk until melted. After the chocolates melt, add the ice and repeat the process. Add the cocoa mixture to the previously prepared white mixture and spread it evenly in the bowl. Then let it sit for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator. While serving, sprinkle cocoa on it. Bon Appetit!

4 hours


Butter or margarine
125 g
1.5 cups
1.5 liters
Sugar powder
1 cup
1 package
2.5 tablespoons
1 tablespoon
Dark chocolate
50 g
Ice kubes
2-3 pcs