Salty cake
Red pepper is cut into small cubes. Olives, dill and coriander are finely chopped, then cheese is added. Egg, sugar and salt are whisked until foamy. After vegetable oil and yogurt are added, continue to mix with a mixer. Add wheat flour, corn flour, then pepper, olives and greens, and mix the cake dough with a spatula. Grease the mold in which we will cook the cake, add the mixture to the pan and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. It is cooked for 55 minutes in a preheated oven with 170 degrees. Keep in mind that this time may be different for each oven, so check the cake after 45 minutes. After removing the cake from the oven, you need to wait for it to cool down. After it is sliced, it will be ready for serving.
1 hour
3 pcs
Vegetable oil
1 cup
1 cup
Corn flour
2 tablespoons
2 cups
Baking powder
1 package
Sugar powder
1 tablespoon
1 teaspoon
Sweet pepper
1 pc
Black olive
10 pcs
Shredded feta cheese
1 cup
Finely chopped parsley
1 pinch
Finely chopped dill
1 pinch