Start date: 03 November 2020

“OBA” Market marks its 5th anniversary

Today is the 5th anniversary of the retail chain markets "OBA"

One of the leading markets in the retail sector of Azerbaijan – “OBA Market” LLC, which started operating on March 11, 2016, has made various changes during its five years of activity.

"OBA” market chain offers economical shopping and affordable prices to it is customers by maintaining a pricing policy incrising the number of stores to 900.

“OBA” market chain has implemented many Corporate Social Responsibility measures. Moreover, the “OBA” market chain provided assistance to the families of martyrs and veterans of Karabakh, and provided financial support for the development of sports and education.

Since the beginning of the Patriotic War in September last year, the “OBA” market chain has mobilized all its resources for our state, people and army, implemented many projects and made donations.

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