Start date: 08 November 2021

"OBA" retail chain put into service the fountain of martyrs in "Vatan Bagi".

On the occasion of Victory Day, OBA retail chain, which has always focused on the families of martyrs and veterans as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility events, took part in the opening of the Vatan Bagi-Martyrs' Park in the Shikharkh settlement

The staff of OBA retail chain, the Executive Power of the Tartar region, the families of martyrs, veterans, the public, and the media participated in the opening ceremony dedicated to Victory Day on November 8.

It should be noted that the park was created with the support of the "Vatan Bagi" Humanitarian Initiatives Public Union, an initiative of the Tartar Executive Power, and "OBA Market" LLC. Thus, "OBA" retail chain laid the groundwork for the martyrs' fountain in the "Motherland Garden" in order to glorify the names of the martyrs and perpetuate their memory.

It should be noted that 3 hectares of trees were planted in the park, and the monuments "Khari Bulbul" (“Ophrys Caucasica”) and "Demir Yumrug" (“Iron Fist”) were erected in honor of the martyrs who died heroically during the Great Patriotic War.

During the event, the memory of our martyrs who died for the motherland was honored, prayers were read, and the Martyrs' Fountain was opened.

Fazilat Samadova, Head of Marketing Communications Department of OBA Market, spoke about the signifance of the project. “Now we are on the opening day of the "Vatan Bagi-Martyrs Park" project, organized by "OBA"retail chain, "Vatan Bagi Humanitarian Initiatives Public Union, and Tartar District Executive Power. Today, we are proud to dedicate the fountain in the "Garden of the Motherland" to the memory of our martyrs.

We congratulate our people on Victory Day once more as OBA retail chain. "

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