Start date: 21 September 2021

OBA retail chain distributed school supplies to the children of martyrs and veterans

Support for the families of martyrs and veterans is one of the projects carried out OBA retail chain, which is distinguished by charitable events and social actions.

OBA retail chain, which has been providing quality products at reasonable prices to its customers for the past five years, has held another project for the children of martyrs and veterans living in Aghdam and Beylagan districts.

On the occasion of the start of the new school year, the staff of OBA retail chain met with the children of martyrs and veterans from the Agdam and Beylagan regions as part of the project. Around 150 students from those districts received school supplies, food, and toys.

According to Fazilat Samadova, Head of Marketing Communications at OBA retail chain, the goal of these projects is to help the families of martyrs and veterans. “We provided food, toys, and school supplies to more than 100 children of martyrs and veterans living in Guzanli village in Aghdam region and Kabirli village in Beylagan region. The joy of each student is a gift to us."

During the event, the children of martyrs and veterans who died heroically in battles for our country's territorial integrity were overjoyed with the gifts and welcomed the toys and school supplies.

The families of the martyrs and veterans thanked OBA retail chain for their attention and care at the end of the event.

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