Start date: 06 October 2021

OBA Market became a "neighbor" of Elish and Roshka

OBA retail chain that is always close to its customers and takes into account their comfort, released a new commercial ad.

In this video, OBA retail chain, which has a neighborhood concept, emphasizes neighborhood values once more.

Elish and Roshka, everyone's favorite "Neighborhood", appear in the new video to congratulate their new neighbors and see the neighborhood's value in the store. The idea that "a close neighbor is better than a distant relative" is confirmed at the end of the video.

The commercial ad, which starred the well-known Tahir and Jabir Imanov, was shared on OBA retail chain's official social network accounts and other pages. The audience was attracted by the commercial ad.

OBA retail chain announced that it would delight customers with a great innovation in the coming days.

It should be noted that the main goal of OBA retail chain is to always provide customers with cost-effective products and high-quality services.

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