Start date: 30 August 2022

“OBA” marketlər şəbəkəsi ekoloji layihə keçirdi

With the joint efforts of the "OBA" market chain and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan, seashore areas in the Zira district were cleaned of plastic and other waste.

A team of "OBA" volunteers worked at the event held under the slogan "Clean world, healthy life".
Public relations manager of "OBA" market chain Kamila Maharramli said that the purpose of the event is to increase the role of the society in improving the environmental condition of the coastal zone:
"One of the main factors of environmental pollution is plastic and packaging waste. As "OBA" market chain, under the slogan of "Clean world, healthy life", we tried to clean the shores of Zira settlement from plastic and other waste. We are proud to contribute to ecology towards a cleaner world."
It should be noted that among the values of the "OBA" market chain, the social responsibility clause has a special place. The company strives to create value for society and the environment while supporting sustainable development.
"OBA Market" LLC, a part of the Veysaloglu Group of Companies, is proud to serve our customers with more than 1110 markets and more than 6000 employees!

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