Start date: 15 April 2022

OBA Market launches a new lottery called "Maredo candies make you earn"!

OBA retail chain, which offers various campaigns to its customers, is launching a new lottery in its sixth year of operation.

The lottery will take place between April 15 and June 9. By presenting the OBA Market mobile application to the cashier, OBA customers will receive one entry into the incentive e-lottery for every 5 AZN of Maredo candies purchased. The lottery will run for eight weeks, with eight draws. Dates of circulation: April 22nd, April 29th, May 6th, May 13th, May 20th, May 27th, June 3rd, and June 10th. Only one lottery number from 1-7 can be won. All previous winners will be eligible to participate in the eighth, or final, draw.

Every Friday, the winners will be chosen at random and announced live on the OBA retail chain's social media accounts. Customers who enter the lottery will be eligible to win 15 electric ovens, meat grinders, mobile phones, 8 TV sets, and a washing machine, as well as 54, 100 AZN gift cards, 1 refrigerator, and 1 Kia Rio car from OBA.

According to the rules of participation, people over the age of 18 must confirm their participation in the lottery by downloading the mobile application "OBA Market" and filling in their personal information completely and correctly. Every lottery number can only be won once. The greater the number of chances, the greater the likelihood of winning the lottery number.

Detailed information will be announced on the website and the OBA Market mobile application.

It should be noted that OBA Market LLC, a member of the Veyseloglu Group of Companies, is proud to serve our citizens across the country with over 1,000 stores and over 6,000 employees!

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