Start date: 07 May 2020

"OBA" celebrated International Day of Persons with Disabilities

One of the leading companies in Azerbaijan, the "OBA"` market chain, which is part of the Veyseloglu Group of Companies, has provided food aid to dozens of disabled families living in the Baku-Absheron region on the occasion of December 3 - International

On September 27, Remembrance Day, the souls of our martyrs were commemorated with a minute of silence throughout OBA retail chain.

A minute of silence was observed at 12:00 p.m. at the head office of OBA Market LLC, as well as in approximately 1,000 stores across the country.

Buyers and employees in about 1,000 markets, observed a minute of silence to remember the martyrs.

It should be noted that since the start of the Patriotic War for Karabakh, OBA retail chain has mobilized all of its resources for our state, people, and army and has implemented numerous support projects. In support of our army, Veyseloglu Group of Companies, which includes OBA retail chain, transferred 1 million manats to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund.

Veyseloglu Group of Companies, which includes OBA retail chain, has donated one million manat to the YASHAT Foundation, which was established to assist the families of those injured or martyred in the defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

In addition, on the occasion of Ramadan, OBA retail chain paid visits to the families of Khojavend region martyrs, veterans, and soldiers and distributed food boxes.

As part of our corporate social responsibility initiatives, OBA retail chain provided school supplies to the children of martyrs and veterans living in the Aghdam and Beylagan districts for the start of the school year. In addition to school supplies, approximately 150 students from those districts received food and toys.

OBA Market LLC, a member of Veyseloglu Group of Companies, is proud to serve our citizens across the country with over 1,000 stores and over 6,000 employees!

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