Start date: 10 February 2022

The winners of the OBA's "Lucky Neighbor" lottery to be chosen on February 12

Only a few days remain to select the winners of the "Lucky Neighbor" lottery.

This lottery was launched for the first time by the OBA retail chain, which has always delighted its customers with various discount campaigns.

The winners of the lottery will be announced live on Khazar TV on February 12 at 19:00. OBA's 50 lucky neighbors, will be able to gain a chance to get valuable gifts.

When selecting lottery winners, one lottery number on the entire lottery winning fund can only be won once. The next random selection will be made during the second random selection of the lottery number from the lottery.

The period for receiving the winners' information begins no later than 7 working days after the date of the prize fund drawing and ends after 90 working days.

The prize fund is distributed in the following order:

Five 500 AZN gift cards (OBA gift card),

5 tablets, 5 phones, 5 washing machines,

5 TV sets,

5 air conditioners,

5 dishwashers,

5 refrigerators,

5 travel tickets Baku-Istanbul-Baku,

5 Kia Rio 2021 sedans

It should be noted that anyone over the age of 18 can confirm their participation in the lottery by downloading the OBA Market mobile application, according to the rules of participation. Customers can enter the lottery and win great prizes by winning one chance out of every 10 AZN purchases.

It should be noted that OBA Market LLC, a member of the Veyseloglu Group of Companies, is proud to serve our citizens with more than 1,000 markets and more than 6,000 employees across the country!

Everywhere in our land, the address of our "OBA"!

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